Bowls at Tura Beach Bowling Club
Lawn Bowls @ Tura Beach
Tura Beach Bowling Club has two of the best grass greens in the region, both run between 12.5 and 15 seconds, depending upon the weather and what’s more are available all year around. The greens, “the million dollar views” and friendly people make playing at Tura a very pleasant experience.
Social Bowls is available to all visitors, by putting your name down at the clubhouse the day before. Social Bowls are held Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday afternoon, and Friday afternoon. Check the Weekly Program for full details. Social Bowls costs are $12 per competition.
Visitors or members who wish to have a roll-up must sign in at Club Reception to obtain the key to the jacks and mats cupboard. The visitor Fee is $5 per person payable at Club Reception.
Barefoot Bowls is also available for just $15 reception see for payment and bowls.
You can always come for a rollup. Just check the Weekly Program to see what times are available. Jacks and mats are available on the green surrounds.
Our Winter Carnival held in July each year, attracts visitors from all over South Eastern Australia. Keep an eye on the Bowls Events calendar for event details and entry form. You will be most welcome to join us in this fun carnival.